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Full-length and chapbook manuscript submissions will open for 1 week starting on November 1, 2024

Thank you for your interest in Stanchion Books.


Stanchion Book and Chapbook Submission Guidelines
Stanchion will open submissions on November 1, 2024 for prose (short stories, flash fiction, essays, prose poems, poetry, hybrid) collections, novels, novellas, and chapbooks.


  • Chapbook manuscripts should be between 40-90 A5-size pages.

  • Full-length manuscripts should be between 100-240 A5-size pages (or thereabouts).

  • Only full manuscripts will be accepted.

  • Each author may submit only one manuscript per reading period.

  • All manuscripts should be presented in Times New Roman, size 12 font, formatted as an A5 document, saved as a PDF,

    submitted via email, and titled: YOUR LAST NAME_TITLE OF BOOK.pdf

  • Please include a brief bio with your submission and tell me something about the book you have submitted. We'll be working together so I'd love to get to know you, where you're from, what you love, etc.\

  • Your manuscript should include a title page with your name, genre, and page count, and a table of contents (for poetry and story collections). Please also include a dedication, about author,  and acknowledgments pages, if applicable.

  • Individual pieces (poems, prose, etc) of a collection may have been previously published online and in print.

  • Simultaneous submissions are a-okay. If selected for publication by Stanchion, please immediately pull your submission from other presses. Conversely, if your manuscript is selected by another publisher, please let me know straightaway. Also, massive congrats if this happens!

  • Finally, no bigotry, racist, homophobic, or misogynistic content, as well as any abuse, rape, or gratuitous violence toward women, children or animals will be tolerated or considered.


What Stanchion Books is Looking For Right Now

Stanchion will be reading novels, novellas, collections of short stories, flash fiction, poetry, essays, or a hybrid mix of writing. All genres will be considered. A narrative arc or a throughline on a collection isn’t required, but I sure do love a well and cleverly-told story.


The Financial Stuff
Stanchion believes in transparency, fairness, thoughtfulness, and kindness at every turn. I want to work with authors who understand, appreciate, and reciprocate these values. Not doing so in unacceptable.


Here’s how publishing your chapbook/book with Stanchion will work, from a financial standpoint:


  • No submission fees.

  • Authors will be required to work with Stanchion's book editor on two thorough rounds of copyediting prior to publication.

  • Stanchion authors will receive a lump sum payment of $200 for the initial press run of 100 copies of their book, paid upon publication via PayPal, Venmo, or a Stanchion check (this is an option for U.S.-based authors only). For each additional press run of 100 copies, the author will receive additional payments, escalating in $50 increments. For example, the 2nd printing nets the author $250, the 3rd $300, and so on, capping at $400. This is in lieu of royalties. Stanchion books are distributed globally through Ingram and available to be ordered from wherever books are sold, but only books sold directly through Stanchion will count toward the goal of selling through each printing. See below for a table outlining all of this.

  • Authors receive 15 free copies of their book for every press run of 100. Additional author copies are available at any time, at 50% of retail cover price.

  • The above two points mean that the more books we sell together, through and at Stanchion live events, the more money you will make and the more free author copies of your book you will receive to hand-sell at readings, in your community, at local bookstores, etc. It probably goes without saying, but the money you make from personally selling your own book is your money completely.

  • While the book is still in print through Stanchion, authors are not permitted to make their books available for sale online through their own websites, blogs, etc unless they are sold as 'signed copies' thus making them a different product than Stanchion is selling. This should be an easy loophole to step through. All other online orders must be directed to (or other online retailers where Stanchion has decided to make them available, such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble,, etc).

  • Each book Stanchion publishes will also be made available as an e-reader-friendly PDF format. 100% of the proceeds from these digital sales stay with Stanchion, to help fund additional printings, promotions, mailings for blurbs/reviews, etc.

  • All Stanchion books will have a full-color color cover with black and white interior pages, and be either staple or perfect bound with a spine, depending on its size. Stanchion and the author will work together on cover design ideas/aesthetics, and the author will be asked to sign off on the final cover art.

  • Stanchion and the author may each choose to terminate the contract at any point, with cause. At that time, no additional copies of the book will be printed, but the remaining stock will continue to be for sale, and Stanchion retains digital rights to continue selling the PDF/e-reader version for 12 months following the date of termination.

  • Finally, AND THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT, I will only seek to publish authors who are eager to form a working relationship (because selling literature is hard work), and who are kind & thoughtful people willing to graft (informal British usage of the word) alongside me to sell their book. I'll be all in on your book, to get it into as many hands & places as possible. I need you to be right there too.


As with the magazine, Stanchion Books is a safe, open place to submit your writing. No matter where you're fr om, what you look like, or who you love, you're welcome to become a part of the Stanchion family. 


Thank you for considering this burgeoning press a worthy home for your writing.

I tried to be thorough here, but it’s likely that I’ve missed something. If you have any additional questions, please reach out.

-- Jeff Bogle, Stanchion's one-man band, Founder & Editor-in-Chief


A table breaking down the author's finances per printing of 100 copies of their book

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Submissions: Welcome
Magazine Submissions are currently closed
and will not open again until early 2025

Stanchion pays $15 + each contributor receives one complimentary copy of their issue.




What Stanchion Is Looking For

Stanchion is looking for unpublished* short stories (5000-ish word max), flash fiction, creative nonfiction, essays, poetry, prose poems, stray thoughts, short screenplays, monologues, experimental work, interviews with inanimate objects, reviews of everyday items and moments, comic strips, black & white photography (vertical, portrait-oriented images are preferred), black & white drawings, black & white collage art, and other evocative images of mixed media artwork (you guessed it, also in black and white).


*Stories & poems previously workshopped &/or published on social media, photographs and drawings posted on Instagram and Twitter, as well as writing published on a personal blog, will be considered for publication in Stanchion.


Stanchion issues have no themes. Pretty much anything* and everything** is on the table. I love powerful, beautiful, energetic, unusual work, writing that takes chances, writing that's hilarious, writing that has something to say without beating the reader over the head with a message, writing that has a soul and is vulnerable, and most importantly of all, is honest and 100% original. Make me feel something! I want to care about the action, characters, places, etc inside the worlds you create.


*no abuse, rape, or violence toward women, children, or animals will be tolerated or considered.

**no AI-generated writing or visual art will be considered.


What To Send:

A maximum of 3 total pieces in a single email to will be accepted (with individual maximums being 3 poems / 2 pieces of prose / 3 works of visual art  - so feel free to mix and match up to 3 total).


PLEASE NOTE: In your submission email, tell me something about yourself, and provide links to your social media channels (if applicable) along with your work as PDFs or Word documents. Long after your issue of Stanchion is published, I will be championing you and your art, so it's nice to make a human connection, not just a transactional one between artist and editor. If you send an email with no subject line, no hello or thank you, and nothing about yourself, your submission will not be read or considered.


There is no fee to submit to Stanchion, although rapid responses are available for a fee (see below). Simultaneous submissions are okay, just please let me know if a piece was accepted elsewhere (also, congrats in advance on that!)


NEW: Rapid, 48-hour responses are an available option. The cost is $5 per piece of writing and, in addition to a personalized response within 48 hours, includes a complimentary PDF of your choice of Stanchion magazine issue or book. In the 'Add a Note' section before checkout, include your name, the name of the story/poem/essay/flash you are submitting for a rapid response, and the name of the book or magazine issue you would like. Within 48 hours, you will receive an email back with a personal response to your writing and the PDF you requested. Note: You may purchase more than one rapid response, but they must be purchased separately to avoid shipping charges (annoying, I know).


To be perfectly honest, I wrestled with the idea of adding 48-hour response submissions for a fee, for a while. I still kinda hate that I am doing it but to ensure the future of this magazine, it's important right now. To level the playing field as best I can, however, I will read and respond to one regular, no-cost submission at random for every rapid response purchased. Thank you for understanding and for your interest in and support of Stanchion.


Money and Rights:

All creators who have work accepted for publication will receive $15 plus one complimentary physical copy of that issue of Stanchion.


You retain all rights to your work. I only request that you do not republish/reuse the work again within three months of the issue being published. I also kindly request that you share the good news (your acceptance and the issue itself once it arrives) far and wide because word of mouth is essential to keeping a small press like Stanchion going strong. That said, I politely ask that you please please please do not share your entire piece in full online or on social media. Stanchion exists in print on purpose. It kinda feels like a secret to have and hold a tangible, physical thing in hand. Thank you for understanding. So, please do share your acceptance, share selfies with your issue, and post photos of your work taken at a clever angle, with the link for others to order, and help spread the word without giving away the whole thing.


THIS IS IMPORTANT: I only want to work with creative people who understand and appreciate that running a magazine and a press that doesn't charge a submission fee AND pays its contributors AND mails free contributor copies all over the world is special. Stanchion needs its contributors to support it, share it, talk about it, etc. Not doing so is, frankly, unacceptable.



Stanchion is a safe, open place to submit your work for consideration. No matter where you're from, what you look like, or whom you love, you're welcome to become a part of the Stanchion family.


Thank you for entrusting Stanchion with your creativity, your art, your voice, and your work. I'll take good care of it and share it with people who will appreciate it.


Starting in January 2025, Stanchion will pay $5 for each accepted piece of writing

to be published online at as a weekly feature





Stanchion is a safe, open place to submit your work for consideration. No matter where you're from, what you look like, or whom you love, you're welcome to become a part of the Stanchion family.


Thank you for entrusting Stanchion with your creativity, your art, your voice, and your work. I'll take good care of it and share it with people who will appreciate it.

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